Life after your comprehensive exam: How do I finish?

If you're reading this, congratulations on reaching this significant stage in your Ph.D. program! You've already made impressive strides, and I'm here to offer you some tips to help guide you toward the successful completion of your degree. This material has been specifically prepared to assist third-year Ph.D. students in my department.

Dissertation writing can be challenging, but I would view it as a unique opportunity to showcase the knowledge and insights you've gained throughout your graduate education. Think of it as crafting a book that's guaranteed an audience—your amazing committee members. They're not just experts in their fields, but also enthusiastic mentors eager to help you refine and elevate your work. 

a) Set time blocks and designate a certain task:

i) Decide when you're most productive (e.g., Everyday from 9-11 am, turnoff emails, phones) and

ii) Define what you'll be working on during this block (be specific; e.g., I will write four paragraphs in chapter 3 methods; sample, design, and process)

b) Seeking out a university-wide or department-wide writing group can be an effective strategy (in-person or Zoom)

i) Writing groups with regular meetings: start with check-ins, set goals (use a shared document where everyone can list their goals), focused writing, and wrap up (share how their session went)

c) To prevent distraction, consider using a focusing app (e.g., "Forest")

d) Make sure to celebrate every little milestone. If you successfully fulfilled the weekly goal, you should treat yourself! This is important for maintaining your motivation.

Advisor + three additional graduate faculty members who can bring knowledge or skills needed

in your research

1. Talk to your advisor. Do they have any recommendations?

2. Consider whom you're comfortable working with, especially regarding communication and work style.

3. Seek someone who can assist with the methods you're employing.

4. Look for an expert in your theory, variables, or literature.

○ Where to start?: Look up award-winning dissertations, such as those recognized by NCA, ICA, AEJMC.. etc. Reading them will offer insights into the structure and content expected in a dissertation.

○ Stay in regular touch with your advisor (Update your progress, get some feedback)

○ Before diving straight into writing a full chapter, start with a detailed outline (better flow, more effective writing)

○ Keep an eye on deadlines (? last date you can defend your dissertation)

○ Done dissertation is a good dissertation!